Fine Feathered Friends

From: simonbrayuk_at_...
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 03:58:06 EDT

Hi all,  

 My good friend Mark Rowe was of course referring to a Jac Sparra a Parrot Keet, who is a gaudy and highly coloured creature which wears an eye patch, speaks in Pidgin and has a homonculus sat upon his shoulder. The other members of the Fine Feathered Friends are 'Pinkay and Pur Khay' A pair of mated flamingo people, one of who has travelled for many years and was once part of the retinue of the Duke of Disorder. His other claim to fame was that he was present at the Crown Test of Queen Kallai of Sartar. 'Myn Myn' is an albertross keet, he is a suberb sailor, but has exceptional bad luck. 'Ooh Shynai Fing' is a Magpie Keet from the island of Krispei, he is trained in the arts of stealth and is a kleptomaniac. The whole gang are under the leadership of Kwakira, a shapechanging Duck Keet, who was once male and is now female (his stats are available in Thieves Arm). In a recent conflict with the pirates of Alatan, Kwakira gained the respect of a pair of plesiosaurs that he defeated in battle with his bare fists!  


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