Re: Native Americans seek Gloranthan real estate

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 08:32:40 +0100 (CET)


> I'm interested in creating a campaign setting based on the
> pre-Columbian cultures of Puget Sound, the region of the U.S.
> where I live. I'd like to find a patch of Glorantha where I
> could place the setting without bumping into too much official
> material.

> Requirements include:

> - Complex coastline with a fair amount of shallow salt water and
> many rivers (needed for salmon)

> - Forested, hilly terrain

> - Temperate, rainy climate with cool summers and mild winters

> - No technologically advanced human civilization (e.g. Dara Happa) in
> easy reach

> Any suggestions of where to go?

That's a hard one. You might want to include an elf-tolerated human enclave on the coast of Erontree, hidden by the forest from the outer world. I think that place catches best the climatic conditions you're looking for. The fjords you want probably are unexplored by other humans.

Both Arolanit and Loskalm still are within easy reach, but the Closing prevented boating fairly effectively, the aldryami may forbid contact, and Malkioni lands may be regarded as demon country anyway.

If you are looking for Salmon rivers and can do without the salt water, the Harangvat fisherfolk of the northwestern Sweet Sea might do. They are too close to the Carmanians, but if you predate your game to 1595, the Ban will just have been lifted, or be about to.

> An alternative, of course, would be to just do the campaign with
> HeroQuest rules in the Puget Sound region. However, I'd like to
> place it in Glorantha, if possible, to leverage all the background
> on that world and be able to move the campaign to a different setting
> if the players get bored.

It's not like the American west coast doesn't offer other cultures to interact with... depending on the time, you could place the arrival of the Spanish colonists in California into the later game, too.

You'll have to define the cultural keywords yourself, anyway. The main issue is the level of magic you want in the game. Are you going for Animists, Theists, or the common grab-bag of local entities each worshipped in their own fashion?

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