Re: Re: Malia vs Mallia

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 09:35:14 +0200 (EET)

> Gloranthans, in general, are not literate. I also believe that the
> vast bulk of the population are not particularly mobile (i.e. they
> stay close to where they were born). In these circumstances, there
> will be widely varying pronunciations of names or even wildly
> different names for the same thing. And spellings will be worse -
> think of the wide variations of spelling of words in the early days
> of written vernacular (assumption: most writing uses alphabets
> rather than ideographs).

Of course, but there is the nice Prosopedia at, and it's nice to know the "standard" names from which to deviate from.

> I expect, for example, in Sartar that most rural clans will speak
> with recognisably (to their neighbours anyway) different accents
> and "everyone" will be able to tell the accents of the groups of
> clans/tribes clustered around the cities of Sartar.

I'd assume that for an english speaking narrator Sartar is an excellent place to try out various celtic accents :)


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