RE: Friday Filk: Another Viking Classic

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 07:20:04 +0100


> Since the outbreak of those au-then-tic viking songs
> (shudder) last week,
> both of my synapses have been similarly obsessed by a
> sparkling little
> ditty that won't go away. It's a real-life viking classic,
> and since its
> Friday, well, allow me to share it as Friday Filk. Consider
> the words as
> 'in progress' - if you can improve on them, then good luck to you. :)
> Surely you remember (groan)...
> Can you see the stars my Kallyr?


Etc - looks good, but a llnk to the original, whatever that might be, or at least a hint to feed into Google, would help no end.

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