Re: Re: Teelo Norri

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 07:01:29 -0400

On Thu, 2005-21-07 at 21:24 +0000, markmohrfield wrote:

> I've suspected Teelo Norri of being a sorcery (or at least wizardry)
> type organiziation for some time. The Seven Mothers gets a spell
> from her, and IIRC her advanced worshipers are refered to as nuns.

Very true. If I had thought about it a bit, that would have been a logical deduction.

Turns out we never got to meet the Nun last night anyway, as the players ended up doing lots of verbal fencing with other NPCs. Still, she will be useful later.

> I've noticed that the webpage for ILH2 lists a Jakaleel Spindle Hag
> School as well as a Jakaleel Tradition.

That's interesting.


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