Re: Maps?

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 16:13:46 +1100

I especially like the blue cows!



At 03:20 AM 21/12/05 +0000, you wrote:
>We were discussing map drawing software a while back - well I have now
>recieved permission to put one of my maps on the web, and it being
>handdrawn I was quite pleased with it. I did it in paintshop, freehand.
> If anyone wants me to try and draw them a map ever I will have a go as
>I enjoy it, thought my art and graphics skills are absolutely
>non-existent... but I do love doodling maps, despite lack of talent :(
>Its a completely non-canonical Wintertop Exile area tula for a Bush
>range clan...
>It may amuse
>cj x

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