Re: What's "really" happening in rituals?

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 22:31:58 -0000

> This may have been asked before, but I was wondering...
Thunder Rebels p.62 has the answer to most of your questions here (well for Orlanthi certainly I assume for others).

> during a theist ritual (say the Orlanthi Holy Day trip to visit
> Orlanth's house) what is "really" happening? Do the worshippers
> physically travel to the God World? Or do their "souls" travel
> there and their bodies stay behind?

To a participant he or she travels to the Otherworld. TR implies to me that at the key moment the worshippers is in both worlds at once.

>If I were an observer at the ritual who was not an initiate, what
>would I see?

The men are flying towards their sacred mountain (or back again), the women are standing still

> could disrupt the ritual very easily by attacking the bodies of the
> participants while their "attention" is in the Otherworld. Yes?
I think so. Which is why 'other ways' are valued as they can help to guard the sacred places. In addition the sacred site is likely to have a guardian being which will help to protect the particpants. Dragon Pass tells us that the Lunars try to kill people as they fly to Kero Fin on One Day, but cannot identify individuals amidst the mass.

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