Re: Loskalm

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 09:50:40 -0000

> >This depends on the average level of debt of the Loksalmi nobels,
> >and what security they need to provide for the loans they have taken
> >out to provide for their day to day needs...
> Which suggests that the Loskalmi nobility purchase their titles
> and positions, something which goes against the meritocratic
> nature of the kingdom.

Not necessarily. I got my job on merit, not by bribing my boss - but I still have to spend money to travel to work every day, to buy food in the canteen and to buy clothes suitable for work. I also have expenses unrelated to work (like buying Heroquest books...).

Likewise most of the time your average Loksalmi noble is probably free from debt, the income from his land being sufficient to meet his outgoings - both those required of him by his position (Taxes to the king, Tithes to the church, Wages to his knights) and those he chooses voluntarily - both on a "professional" basis (building projects, additional staff) and a "private" basis (personal expenditure). But on occasion things will not go as smoothly - a poor harvest, or local banditry reduces his income. A crusade, military expedition or trading venture unexpectedly demands a sudden influx of funds. It might not be that the price can't be met, just that it can't be met NOW, and at such times the lord in question needs to borrow money, and whoever he is borrowing form will require some form of security...

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