Re: Teshnos Beliefs and Practices

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 19:26:38 +1200

At 06:49 PM 5/23/2006 -0400, you wrote:

>Interesting. So while the Five Fiery Forms Cults are the dominant system,
>other mystic paths and local gods are tolerated?
>How do Zitrs fit into this entire thing? It sounds like a form of
>Illumination to me..

Zitrs are closer to Dayzatar mystics rather than illuminates.

>How many Blue People exist in Teshnos? They concentrated on the Isle of
>Melib, correct?

>The impression that I got is that they were mostly wiped out by the invading
>Ashurtan demons, but their Gods and culture are still followed by the Gachi
>people. (Who paint themselves Blue, but are not actually Blue People.)

The Gachi have reincarnated the Blue People among them so are Blue People.

>I would posit that Teshnos is more influenced by Osdero/Metslya, the Eagle
>Phoenix Emperor and Light of Enlightment. Certainly after Sekever usurps
>rulership of Kralorela, most Teshnans are turned off by the whole Draconic

I daresay the Teshnans believe that Sekever was a typical Kralori ruler.

--Peter Metcalfe

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