Re: Re: Household Goddesses

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 09:53:32 -0700

> > Hmmm... I'm trying to understand the mythic role a devotee of Arnna
> > (assuming such a hero) would have in the clan. Would it be a largely
> > ritual role?
> In myth, she is the keper of Ernalda's household goods.
> In a house, a person who took care of the goods would worship her.
> The ritual role would be to keep the household gods safe, know where
> they are, find them when lost, count them to know how much is on hand,
> etc.

Chatelaine would be the name for this role in medieval times. In the Victorian/Edwardian age of lots of servants in the household, it would be what the Housekeeper did (plus keep the female servants in line, of course).

> Harst has nothing to do with household goods. He keeps (and trades)
> the clan's extra gran (and other goods).

Does he sell them to the Esrolians to stack elections? I mean, I've heard of putting old people on ice floes, or putting them in old-age homes (err, sorry, Retirement Communities or Senior Living Centers), but selling them like so much extra grain? And how many grans does a clan have to have before they become surplus to needs?

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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