Re: Ralian Orlanthi

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:53:16 +1200

At 10:55 AM 7/10/2006 -0700, you wrote:

> >> Secondly the only certain similarity between Orlanth in Ralios and
> >> Orlanth in Dragon Pass has been the name (and there's some
> >> scope for difference there).

>While YGWV, in the canon this is wrong.

No, it's not given that canonical write-ups of the Ralian Orlanthi Cults do not exist.

>The religion, remember, is a
>series of celerations, rites and magic that are accessible to the

And these practices differ from place to place rather than being word-perfect imitations of the canon of Hantrafal as taught by the Theyalan missionaries. For example when the missionaries reached beyond Kerofin, who was it that suggested that Top of the World be venerated? The wise all-seeing missionaries or the locals who had memories of praying to that mountain?

>These were learned by the Ralians from the Theyalan
>missionaries. Pfrevious to this the survivors had no religion other
>than a couple of ghosts, petty local spirits, etc., whose function was
>bare survival.

The Lendarshi had access to the priests of Turos without any intervention from the outside so I must reject this position of no sacrifice to the gods without contact from the Theyalan missionaries.

--Peter Metcalfe

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