Re: Flying Magic in HeroQuest

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 18:09:52 -0000


I think you have been mean. I mean Vingans can run on tree tops fer orlanthssake!! :-P

His horse has a skill right? maybe around 15 to 20 or a little more? Well, he'll have to make a skill roll to actually run on the wind won't he, and thats liekly to cost some hero points somewhere along the line. Any manouvres in flight may likely mean another roll. Think of the fun you can have with player plummeting 100 foot because he tried to make a sharp turn in mid air!!

I don't actually see it as a game breaker either, and its so cool I think you should just allow it assuming the player makes his/ her rolls they can run on wind whichever direction its blowing. But thats just my take on it. Refer to the Gwandor saga for how flying animals can be great fun!


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