Re: Pol Joni Magic

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 18:26:37 -0000

IIRC Greg has mentioned before that most people in Glorantha practice mixed worship. Note mixed not missapplied, which means they work with thiest, animist, and sorcerous magic. So on Carpenter Street you might find one woodworker who prays to a god of carpentry another who works with spirits of wood etc. Often people are not even initiates, but just work with a common magic.

Bearing this in mind I suspect that the Pol Joni may worship an array of cults depending on their origins. Men who descend from the Dundealos descendants might follow Ulanin and Beren, their wives Uralda the Cow. We know that the Pol Joni accept exiles from the Animal Nomads so we may also have Storm Bull worshipping warriors and Erithra cow mothers working with herds of Bison. If you don't concentrate you might be an initiate of Ulanin but be a spiritist of Storm Bull too. Of course there will sometimes be disagreements and trouble, but that's all grist for the gaming mill. ANd their more conservative neighbours will of course mistrust them...

You might want a common religion to tie them together too, perhaps something centered around Derik Furman.

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