Re: Re: Sex and RPG / Vingans

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 10:52:21 +1100

> Why do Vinga worshippers wear a skirt over their trousers?

Practicality? Badge of honour? Obscure tradition? Mark of their unique status? My wife tells me skirt and leggings can be very practical.

> Whats with the hair dying? Don't seem to be other gods with this level of
> appearance concern.

There's almost certainly a mythological reason for this, relating to what happened when Vinga's hair first turned red.

  Isn't it funny that such sterotypical concern with
> dress is associated with a female deity?

Tats, runes, hairstyles, bands of dye etc. are associated with lots of deities and I believe there may be additional details in ST. I believe concern with dress and appearance is shared equally between men and women in heortling society. Its a status culture - like the ancient Irish. Is it possible some humakti don't wear black? :)

> So what we are saying here is that Vinga-worshippers are clearly of
> secondary stature to male combatants, perform auxiliary and defensive
> than aggressive functions.

Secondary stature according to whom? All the cults have different value systems and emphases. Vingans do what they do best, for reasons that are important to them. And I believe 'all' vingans begin their training in the shield wall like the other Orlanthi warriors.

While men battle horrible foes for "the tribe",
> Vingans specifically protect the weak and helpless - presumably men are
> rough and tough to need the protection of ladies.

Ever heard of Kallyr Starbrow? Vingans do lots of different things, including full-on battles when necessary. The 'helpless' includes lots of men as well - the old, boys, the infirm, certain farmers, crafters, Lhankors, etc. Elmal also has special duties in protecting the stead.

Could it be just possible that the men in the shield war and war band also care about their kin being murdered, their steads being burned and laid waste, their children being taken into slavery or worse?

> Frankly I'm surprised the disadvantages did not include mandatory
> the usual response to women taking such a proactive role is to make sure
> they cannot also be reproductive.

Celibacy, marriage and reproduction are all different things. In an Ernaldan culture, all women will have access to a variety of contraceptive devices, and certain women may be able to 'surrender' their fertility to the keeping of a priestess through ceremony. Some vingans may be celibate. Some may be carousing Thunder Brother types. Many will enjoy whatever short or long-term relationships their duties allow. However, I don't think vingans marry unless for some (rare) higher political or ritual purpose.

All IMG of course.



nysalor_at_... John Hughes

For every thing that lives is holy, life delights in life; Because the soul of sweet delight can never be defil'd.

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