Let's show rather than tell (was Re: Preparing for play, how I do it)

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 02:10:14 -0000

...one quibble. Why wolves? =)

> During the Great Winter, Grasper, King of Below, laid a trap for
> Rathor, in the shape of a fine lodge. Some of Rathor's followers
> scouted to lodge, which sprung the trap that broke their backs.
> have walked on four legs ever since and are the ancestors of the
> bears. Those who stayed outsidethe remained on two legs; they are
> ancestors of the people.

Good myth about the trap. I've seen one like it in a book I can't recommend highly enough: North American Indian Folktales by Ortiz. Heck, any book in the Pantheon series of Folktales and Mythology is excellent.

> Bear spirits (three of these)
> Den spirits (three of these
> Man spirits (three of these)

They get nine spirits? Impressive. Perhaps chosing two groups of Bear, Den or Men spirits?

> Root, Leaf and Branch (Independent Practice)
> Local Spirits
> The Rathori are a semi-nomadic people, alert to and in tune with
> spirits of the places they pass through in Rathorela. Over time
> have learned how to treat with the spirits, which gifts to bring to
> please them, what behaviors to adopt to flatter them. In addition
> they know tales of important ancestors whose deeds took place in
> these lands and who look favourably upon the people.
> Entry Requirements: Show respect for the local spirits that the den
> encounters on its migrations.
> Abilities: Follower of Root, Leaf, and Branch, Root, Leaf, and
> Branch Practice Knowledge, Local Area Geography, Open Spirit World,
> Spirit Face.
> Virtues: Observant.
> Practice Spirits: Usually no more than one spirit of each type.
> Forest Spirits—Bear Fruit 4W, Earthen Den 17-20, Hide in Scrub 15-
> 12W, Tree Leaping 5W, Wildfire 15-6W
> Hero Spirits—Bear Necessities 12-0W, Canny Exchange 15-2W, First To
> Strike 13-5W, Lead Companions 11-3W, Find Way 17-7W, Sword Fighting
> 13-8W.
> Land Spirits—Climb 5W, Find Trail 13 to 5W, Shelter in Hollow 3W.
> Stream Spirits—Calm the Waters 2W, Carry Downstream 15-19W, Float
> 3W, Salmon Trap 18-2W, Swim 17- 8W, Tickle Trout 15-3W
> Spirit Ally: A practitioner can have only one of the above spirits
> an ally.
> Charms and Fetishes: Each spirit has its own home, and these vary
> widely. Most prefer medicine pouches filled with herbs, dirt,
> or bones from the original worship site.
> Other Side: These spirits have a wide range of homes, only united
> their association with the Telmori and other local shamans.

An excellent practice - versions of this probably exist for every animist culture. Everyone likes to keep on the good side of the local spirits. Probably only regional in extent but perhaps the knowledge might be (semi) portable to other, similar practices in different regions.

This is really neat stuff, Ian. Thanks.


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