Re: Wyters and Animals

From: Charles Corrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 15:46:03 -0000

> But I'd avoid the "wyters-for-everything" that could generated.
> If a small stead or sheiling has a wyter in the hearth or roofbeam
> or house pillar, then it would probably not take much effect. And
> could be ignored for the purposes of combative gaming (though not
> for social purposes). I might have 'keep broth warm' or 'smoke
> goes out the hole' blessings. But it does explain why its harder
> to sneak up on Heortlings and burn their houses down or eat them
> at night. Its... its a burglar alarm.

Thunder Rebels, page 30. In the "Longhouses" section, there is mention of "hearth maidens" that turn smoke into ash balls, with the implication that there are many to a Longhouse...

While there might be many daimones in a Longhouse, I suspect that all but one have minor powers such as you mention.


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