Re: Introducing new players

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 16:45:44 +0000 (GMT)

If at some point you do want to run HQ with this player, there are ways of making it work (or at least, keeping him happier and less disruptive for the rest of you): but that's a separate question.

> So what kind of scenario works well on introducing
> new players, without requiring a great knowledge of
> glorantha, but can showcase the system? Any thoughts
> on ways to introduce gamers used to other systems?

My immediate thought is that it's usually combat where players used to more "crunchy" systems get confused. So choose a scenario where there is no combat: or at least, none to start with. Almost any other form of conflict, yes, but not combat.

Also, if your players are used to the system being something for them to try to beat, it may be worth being explicit about the fact that in HQ, it isn't. "Losing" a conflict may well be far more fun than "winning" it, and the end result is never going to be one that stops them from going further or limits their options to the point where play is no longer enjoyable. "Oh, great, I've rolled a fumble!" is a concept that does make sense.

Yes, I know, a bit unspecific about scenarios there, but it's one of the main points of confusion and unhappiness I've seen, where the players are trying to aim at the wrong target: success rather than fun.

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