Re: Fyrds massing on the borders

From: Jeff <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 00:33:36 -0000

> I can think of two answers:

> b) The fyrd doesn't go raiding. In KoDP, we see two kinds of raids
-- cattle
> I think I'll go with b), unless someone comes up with a better

Its worse than raiding, its a set piece battle. I hope there's supposed to be rules for big clan vs clan battles somewhere out there. Its _WAR_ when the fyrd (not just a cattle raid or hefty raid) shows up. Everyone who can lift a spear or swing a sling shows up...

...that's total commitment. And probaly has total commitment of magic too. The last act of a feud.

And of course, it doesn't talk about _tribal_ war either.


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