Re: Exorcising Disease Spirits

From: sarahnewton111 <sarah.newton_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 15:59:20 -0000

Hi Roderick,

Excellent clarifications - many thanks indeed. Practitioners and shamans are turning into much cooler guys than I'd pegged them for; it's only now I'm coming to use them more I'm realising how *differently* they operate from initiates and devotees. There definitely isn't the one-to-one correspondence I'd tacitly assumed (practitioner = initiate, shaman = devotee, more or less), but also the ability levels of practice spirits doesn't have to be that high to  end up with a significant, albeit daily use, power for a released fetish spirit.

I'm thinking I'm going to be using animists rather a lot more in my games than I have been... :-D



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