Re: Using HQ2 for Exalted?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 19:37:44 -0500

Some thoughts while my family switches from salad to dessert. :)

David Scott wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been pondering this for some months now. Most of the conversion is easy, however it's the charms that flavour the system.
This is a big deal. If the system isn't going to feel right if you don't have specific suites of charms as specific abilities, then you need to address that.
> I don't want to get bogged down in essence and motes area. My current thoughts are to keep the charms and their prerequisites as they are, but remove the magic costs. HPs as xps are still required to buy the charms at their standard costs. They become sort of feats. I'd keep the dots for stats and abilities with every dot after the first a mastery. So strength ooooo becomes something like 10W4.

Not sure what you're going for there. I don't think you need to convert specific stats to abilities. In fact, I think that will probably be more trouble than its worth.
> My main reason for the conversion is that NPCs are as complicated as PCs and I want to eliminate that and use the pass fail cycle. Also combat becomes much easier.
> I've got a dragon blooded campaign that currently sleeping and I may want to wake it in HQ2 form.

Sounds fun.

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