Re: Flat Conflicts - Do They Exist?

From: lev_at_...
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 13:18:35 +1000

> On 8/22/2012 8:59 AM, Nick Eden wrote:
>> People are used to crunchy
>> bits of system giving their games flavour, and with HQ2 especially,
>> that's not there.
> Interestingly, I have been doing work to incorporate the parts of HQ2 I
> love with RQ/BRP. I know all the arguments this brings out, but it isn't
> important if you like the idea, only that my players and I do.

Or in reverse, i.e., use RQ detail for HQ.

For example, include the Spirit Magic spells as "Common Magic" in HQ, with a negative modifier equal to the base magic point costs.

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