Re: Re: Stand Alone Feats

From: plarsen_at_...
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:19:23 -0600 (CST)

Jeff Kyer says:

> Barntros (who has a stand alone feat) would require worship and time
> but 'Bobtar Two-Axe who teaches the Combat Feat of 'two weapon
> technique' to Destor cultists would not be.
> What I was attempting to say was that some cults are too trivial for
> book-keeping.

Seems fair to me. Although I suspect this is part of the Improvise and Cement mechanic -- you are reaching for some mythic source (whether it's a feature of a myth you already know or a lesson taught by a follower of the Way of Bobtar)and integrating it into your own understanding of your god and its magic. But I think that's what you were saying.

Peter Larsen

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