Re: Uleria

From: Olli Kantola <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 11:53:53 +0200

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, John Hughes wrote:

> hated or maligned. But it's Ernalda who tamed the Storm Tribe, not Uleria;
> and Vela who directs the healthy appetites of men and women into intimacy
> and marriage. For most Heortlings, Uleria is long ago and far away.

But in the cities Uleria does have her place. The normal cults of Orlanth and Ernalda are slightly out of place there and the crafters and other city folk, who generally aren't in any clan could need their services. Add this to the fact that a large part of the city folk are from Tarsh and Holy Country (ei. other Orlanthi lands) and you find a social nich� for Uleria in Sartar. They propably have indroduced addidional myths as well.     

> Of course Uleria is far bigger than just sex, difficult as that may sound.
> :) The old RQ3 writeup by Greg and Sandy also emphasised the communal and
> social gifts - which brings her priests and priestesses closer to Miko's
> descriptions of Greek courtesans - and fecund reproduction. The RQ3 Cults
> Book stated that there are few actual temples to Uleria anywhere: which to
> me means she's a goddess of shrines and charms and shady bowers, of graffiti
> carved on temple walls.

My thoughts exactly!

> This is close to my concept of Uleria, and IMG you will find a few such
> priestesses (men *and* women) in the cities of Sartar, providing to Lunar
> traders and officials - coaching them in the finer points of Sartarite

But they must be important to the native city dwellers too. I don't think that the Pelorian invaders brought their own priestesses of love with them. Wait a minute. Darn, they could have done that. Anyway, there must have been nateve Ulerians in Sartar before the Lunar conquest, because they are IMHO more important in Tarsh (Pelorian influence) and Holy Country (Godlearner influence and the cheer number of cities).

Olli Kantola

It's lovely to watch colorful shadows in the planets of the eternal light.
        -The Master

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