Re: How big is a Tula

From: ian_hammond_cooper_at_...
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:17:08 -0000

<< Now a Km is 5/8 of a mile so rounding a lot lets say 6.5 miles * 6.5 miles. Somebody once figured this as about the size of a DP hex. However, I also noted that there is no room here for waste (esp. in hill country not all your land will be usable) or buffer zones between clans. I think that 15*25 mile in TR probably represents max size, but also that 6.5 *6.5 represents minumum. A tula will fall somewhere in between.

Dick wrote:  

> I was not challenging your numbers. Basically, our numbers are the
> same when talking about the clan generator's average tula size. It
> is just that, IMO, I think that 15*25 miles is way too big for a
>clan tula.

Nor I yours, I was trying to back you up by saying I had calculated similar numbers. My only difference of opiniion would be that the numbers from the clan generator do not have any allowabnce for waste ground, but I agree that the tula size of 15*25 miles cannot be wholly explained by that figure and an estimate of a DP hex seems better.


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