Re: Jane Williams' Millstone

From: rmv1_at_...
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:30:04 -0000

[Jane Williams (is she on this list?) on Millstone, millstones and Maran Gor.]
> I'd always seen grinding corn between stones as being a Maran Gor-
> related task myself: destruction in the service of life, using rock
> for the purpose.

In TR, it is explained that Ernalda represents the power of the earth, Esrola the physical body, and Maran the animating force.

> No doubt TR (which I still don't have) now has a more suitable sub-
> cult for the purpose.

You simply must get this book! I was wondering why I couldn't find a 'Jane Williams' take on the material' in the archives!


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