Gift Carriers and Historical Fun

From: rmv1_at_...
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 14:03:33 -0000

[Michael Schwartz replies to my post on carriers of gifts.]
> The first time I read this, I saw the word *sane* rather
> than "same". I think it works better that way, don't you? :)
I would think that if the lawspeaker of the clan was insane, you'd best be finding a new clan...

> >>[suggestion by me that the Red Emperor got his ticket
> >>punched by irate agents of the Cosmos]
> I am certain the idea occurred to someone else, at some point.
Perhaps. I think the dramatic potential of having Argrath kick the Emperor's bucket is high enough that having the Glorantha do it is something of a letdown. Remember, "You Can Be Argrath."

> ... My gamemastering philosophy can be summed up nicely as "Give
> the characters' their every heart's desire... then threaten to
> take it away and see how they react."
My gamemastering philosophy is more like "Give the character's their every heart's desire... and show them that what they thought they wanted wasn't what they really wanted after all."

Years of Call of Cthulhu gamemastering...


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