Re: Tricksters Leaving the path

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:30:36 -0500

Roderick Robertson says:
>Well, *real* tricksters can't help it. They aren't just jokesters that can
>turn it on & off at will, they really can't stop, even if their best
>interests would be served by not "being trickster".

        When you're called by Eurmal, you are called by Eurmal. No One Can Make You Do Anything is fine in theory, but when a god is knock knock knocking on the door of your soul, saying "no" may be far worse than anything saying "yes" will do to you.

 But remember, the
>trickster only gets the bad end of the stick half the time! And every once
>in a while they manage to pull the clan's bacon out of the fire when no-one
>else could. So we put up with their japes and sophomoric tricks for the
>lessons they can teach us, the entertainment they can give us, the scapegoat
>when we really need one, and the occasional good deed.

        And, of course, because Orlanth gave Eurmal his protection. You can keep Tricksters off your Tula (although a pissed off Trickster would be somewhere between an amusement and a very dangerous enemy -- Pied Piper anyone?), but once the Trickster has been admitted to the clan, they have a relationship with the clan chief that breaking is a very great disrespect to Orlanth. It can do the Chief's rulership magics much good if he does not act like Orlanth. A Trickster is good and bad, but abusing the link between Trickster and Chief is really bad. Abusing the Trickster, of course, is good fun and good sense.

Peter Larsen

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