Re: RE: Gloranthan Archeology

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 06:18:44 +0300 (EET DST)

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Posselt, Theo (US - Foster City) wrote:

> > from their
> > skin. Unfortunately unlike most things killed to make armour
> > dragonewts
> > come back looking for you so a suit of armour is good for testing your
> > combat skills. Dragonewts cannot go to the next stage in
> > their existence
> > without their hides intact as it were.
> Ok, that makes an awful lot of sense. two questions on this, now that we're
> straying off-topic. First, is it canonical that they have to have their
> hides to move up the psychic ranks? This seems a little odd, given that
> they're physically recreated with each resurrection. What if their old body
> just lost some scales - would they have to recover those as well.

The reason for wanting Dragonewt armor is not just the rather spiffy armor value/defensive rank (at least in RQ) but the fact that a part of the critters soul get's left behind (You propably have to skin them alive, or at least soon after "death" with a special ritual). In RQ-2 the armor's POW helped protect you from magic.

Come to think of it, this skinning of Dragonewts to make armor sound curiously like the Tuskriders, and their way of trapping somebody's soul into their tail or hand by using severe pain. And we know the tuskriders are an EWF remnant group...

> second - actually this is a comment more than a question - who knows what a
> dragonnewt's reaction might be to being skinned. perhaps it would be good
> for it...

The RQ material certainly didn't sound like it. Regular death isn't serious for the newts, but when you trap a bit of it's soul to make armor...


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