Re: Group composition

From: gjobbins <nuanarpoq_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 16:42:22 -0000

This game is being run online at, and is just barely getting started. but anyway, for posterity's sake...

> Is your campaign set in Dragon Pass?

Nope, they're starting in Far Point but heading east to Pavis

> Do you plan on travelling elsewhere in the near term

Great plans are afoot.

> If relevant are your heroes working for or against the Empire?

We are Humakti, and therefore do not 'work against' or 'work for'. We ARE, we ACT, that is enough.

> Is your players band still at home in the clan or wandering?

The legion retires to a new home (Pavis) to rebuild it's strength.

> Are you set in a given year?

Nope, early 1620's

> Is your band mostly martial types or non-martial (healers,spies

The hero band is a Humakti Legion.

> Do you have a defined villain?

Everyone who isn't in the legion, from the look of the character backgrounds.

> What are the ability ranges of heroes best abilities?


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