Re: Dragon Sun Heroquest Campaign

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 01:22:26 -0800

>Do some official descriptions exist about Sun Domers cultists and Sun
>Dome Temple of the Dragon Pass as for the Sun County RQ guidebook ?
>If not, how do you see the main political, social and mystical
>different between this two Sun Dome Temple ?

This is a contentious area. :) In Hero Wars terms, I don't think Dragon Pass Yelmalio has been addressed, though Ian Thomson may be working on it. I am preparing some materials on Yelmalio in the Far Place that will probably appear in Unspoken Word III, The Far Place special.

Without quoting chapter and verse, and keeping game needs to the fore, here's my two cents worth.

The Sun Dome Temple in Prax has always existed apart from the surrounding culture, and defined itself in opposition to it.

In Sartar and the Far Place Yelmalio is more integrated with the surrounding culture. You can expect strong regional variation in Yelmalio worship, (just as with all other cults) and you can expect that the 'history' of the cult given in King of Sartar is highly parochial and at least partially inaccurate. In general, however, the cult will be more integrated with the surrounding culture, with the possible exception of the mercenary templars.

Yelmalio worship comes out of the north. It has come in several different waves. Yelmalio is more than just the Sun Dome and templars. 'Yelmalio' has had several different names and different cult structures, and the fusion or schism of these various streams has created particular unique 'portraits' of the god at different times in history. The Sun Domes have a particular history and outlook, the Yelmalian temple spirit reawakened in the ruins of Alda Chur reflects a different strand, etc.

As a minor 'sun of the sun' and a Light that endured in the Darkness, Yelmalio has always been at least partially integrated with Orlanthi society, and been worshipped within some Orlanthi tribes. There are at least some strands of his mythology that parallel Elmal, another enduring Light in the Darkness. Yelmalio may in fact replace Elmal among some of the tribes. The two are certainly rivals and at times deadly enemies.

It is not inconceivable that a Sartarite, Elmal-acknowledging Orlanthi would regard Yelmalio something like this:

"This I do know. Yelmalio was a wounded light that shone through the darkness, a follower of Elmal: in this we honour the god and remake his hero deeds in the rites. And this much is plain. The Thunder Brothers rescued him from the Ravaging Dark, and the women of Thunderhome succored him until he again stood proud and bright and was counted as one of the fyrd, a spearman of Elmal. He took our bread and salt, but never joined our tribe."

And his worshippers? More open to Darra Happan influences (though often 'interpreted' through intermediary cultures) than most Sartarites, but also intensely loyal to Sartar and his kingdom. (The Far Place situation is different - I'll summarise that below).

Among the traits I'd ascribe to tribal Sartarite Yelmalians are

So again:

"Always they must make a different way. They will not eat risen bread, and they butcher their meat with strange rites and golden blades. Their women are never warriors, and cover their head amongst strangers. The men wear slit capes hemmed with yellow, and coil their beards like a city dweller, and seldom boast or quarrel. And they marry only their own cult, as if the good of the clan counted for nothing!"

In the Far Place, Yelmalio was established in opposition to Elmal (and Orlanth) quite early in the area's history, and that opposition reflects the two distinct geographical halves of the region - the sun-drenched Sharl Plains surrounding Alda Chur and the isolated, storm-swept uplands. Yelmalio in the Far Place has been more open to influences from Peloria and the Lunar Empire than the rest of Sartar. The strong influence of the cult can be seen in the Far Point timeline at

and in the founding myth at

Nick Brooke has written an excellent essay on Yelmalio and Elmal at

that should be the starting point for any serious exploring.

In terms of local variations in cults and worship go, you actually have a lot of freedom in deciding the degree of integration/apartness of Yelmalio in a particular region. Its a design feature of Glorantha you shouldn't be afraid to exploit.

Hope this helps.


nysalor_at_... John Hughes

There was many a corpse cold on blackened ground;
>From warriors ravens grew red

And the Kheldon Queen called clans to vengeance, Hurricane Rebels! - I sing to their valour.

Until I am old and ailing,
waiting for the final journey,
I shall not be true to the winds
if I do not praise Kallyr.

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