Re: [OpenHeroQuest] Re: Vote RRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!

From: Julian Lord <jlord_at_TNqkLVItWpcTOlm_dX6yua47NBmsW06NuRiesh8T1YW1SlXyXBHvRb_SbBUYPl-SQvthag>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 21:29:46 +0200

Joerg :

> > Erm, not to overstate things, but are you seriously
> > comparing the Republican Party to the Nazi Party?
> No. I am comparing them to the (no longer extant) nationalist parties
> (like the one the Prussian squires favoured) which were suckered into
> supporting Hitler in the 1933 election when Hindenburg was presented
> as a figurehead.

Hey, hey ! I used the Hitler-word first, eh !!!

> Well, one of my grandfathers happened to be a right wing nationalist
> (Deutschnational) who was opposed to Hitler but, as a member of one of
> these parties, all of a sudden experienced "Gleichschaltung"
> (assimilation by the NSDAP, and in his case even assimilation by the
> SS). (I won't go into details other that my other grandfather
> immigrated 1934 from Austria...)

Hmmmmmmm : that sounds fascinating.

Please !! Details !!! Details !!!!!

(maybe we can share our own WW2 histories ?)

De Immod            

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