Re: The Bill Snatcher

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_QAlvgWAg-sw4tFwoTeXj3qP7ENkMTr5IJZ2X3ZnvLEKXRwf_b9q6I9BdcevZE>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 18:18:57 -0000

> The lawspeakers of Sartar all agree that a notorious duck bandit
is less
> dangerous than the Bill Snatcher, but may prove to be his nemesis.
> after this notorious rogue defeat Bill Snathcer many clans will be
> wergild for his crimes.
> Bill Stickers will be prosecuted. Oh yes.

The chances of the Bill Snatcher being found by his nemesis have increased astronomically now that Marshland periodical the 'Daily Quail' has published a list of all durulz that possess a boat and the name 'Bill'. Of whom there are 358. Some fourteen durulz have already been dunked and defeathered by rogue elements of Marshland society, but the actual Bill Snatcher is (for the moment) still at large.

> But how does he relate to the dreaded Bill Collector, exactly?

Some may speculate--namely the demagogue Scarbill--that the name Bill Collector was coined to refer to the dreaded Lunar agents of the Red Goddess, who collect the oppressive Pole Tax*... that in lieu of payment they rip off debtor's bills, parallelling the horrors of the Bill Snatcher legend.

Others claim that said incident was not a part official policy, rather an unfortunate cock-up in understanding the day's orders on the part of a less than intellectual bailiff.


*I'd entirely forgotten the passage in the Rooster when I wrote this, sadly, and just remembered the piccy in TotRM #19. The tale, by the way, makes no reference to the Vivamort vampire that actually instituted the Lunar Empire's durulz taxation policy.            

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