Re: American Lawyers

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_VN0DyoaWhO2S4TCs6-ZhWT39dJ0K9pLr3h3TVHaKAbCtSg3l5nvvzKAPCWUgOLs70mo1qi>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 18:41:47 -0000

> > Jane - obviously either your Mythos skill is too low or your SAN
> > too high.
> Or maybe I'm not an American? "state, as opposed to federal" is
> meaningless as far as I'm concerned.

Having had to navigate the English court system in order to enforce a Washington state preliminary injunction against a UK company, I would agree that the US court system is not the only mind-blasting legal system that I've encountered. FWIW, the US has two parallel systems of courts - the state courts (like California, New York, Texas - each of the fifty states) and the federal courts. Each has different procedural rules, subject-matter jurisdiction and so on. Federal judges are - on the whole - more professional and less quirky than state judges (especially in states like Washington where they are elected).

> SAN high? Me???

It would appear so - we lawyers revel in our SAN 0 status.


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