Re: Convention fundraisers

From: dcboatright_at_pWLqQfnODZ_LCmYxaSK1ufSYB5zGcfpcNCimMj_fxieo8zm_Qv29qmLK95vmWj7t
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 07:54:18 -0400

>Jeff Richard
>The six atrocities of legend - Dan, if I hear anyone passed this shit
>on to her, I'll happily invoke all the evil powers of American
>corporate litigator. Drown the fucker in a sea of paper, with his
>soul slowly torn out by the US court system. And bankrupt the
>cocksuckers in the process. Six atrocities of legend, my ass.

She must of swallowed and licked your balls for a good half hour to invoke that response.

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