Re: Re: Convention fundraisers

From: Goihl & Fahey <goihlk_at_a7zyEtRNZ_YtFKbkZs3i6EA4UD1OG1u3kschAFeDbLECzroM8wJG463dcGF-LMfZOzGIO>
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 21:49:15 +0200

Thanks Rob, I'll try, sort of.
Amazing how so many of us can meet and have a great time enjoying Glorantha (and gossiping about Jeff and, er, someone) and then on this list see the opposite of friendly intelligent people doing something construction and interesting together. And I thot I was a cretin. Is that alright? Guess I need some practice. Can we have a panel at Continuum about senseless abusiveness? Daniel

  Erm, excuse me Daniel, but if you are going to contribute to this   list and you can't be contraversial you could at least include a few   expletives?

  For example,

  Yes. No imagination at all. Wankers!


  Best regards

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