Re: Don't blame me, dammit

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_x1z94NNg_bY7gZTnVHUePKGevzIwrSuGNlo0hY03wfHbSQkkMleiP020Bs2vq>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 15:06:51 -0000

Okay, for the moment we'll blame Nick. I wasn't sure if ascribing the idea to him or noting his failure to seize the true import was more puerile, so I chose you instead.

"Besides which, I really am sure that I read this elsewhere and did not invent it myself. I just don't have any proof. There's a Pamaltelan connection that, if I could remember, would really help me narrow my search for the proof."

In my original mail I suggested searching for 'penguin' on the Whitewall list -- that will make it all clear...

There was the thought -- though I hesitate to call it that -- that a moonboat may have been captured by Orlanthi, bombed off into the unknown (e.g. Pamaltela), then returned with, frex, penguin keet mercenaries.

John then got excited, in a way I don't wish to dwell on. I then mentioned "Vormaini Samurai keets... who may or may not have been related to 6-ft tall Lovecraftian albino penguin keets."

Nick later noted that "the Bat flying to Pamaltela puts us into Penguin Keet Samurai country. We can note it as a possibility for way- -there Narrators to enjoy, but I don't think it should be part of the historical record."

[Oh, fie! Nick :o)]

Upon Oliver making another reference to "samurai/keets/whatever", Chris then says -- on 1 April, of all days -- "Samurai Penguin Keets. Penguin being critical."

So... yeah, it's your fault Chris. But those were truly halcyon days, before the NINJA arrived and all was brought low.


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