Re: New file uploaded to ImmoderateGloranthaQuest

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_qUN_fWAbj2R_45jvSGJMlG6yvTjdVnFvMFWT03VedfaL-k4SbG5GRqHjKn8YEh3R>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 09:23:11 +1000

Dear Blotto of Bacharat


The yurt this document fell off was clearly heading towards Burg Stahlech.

Please abuse document as you see fit.

Does anyone have an idea for an Immoderate rune? Argrath E. Hooman springs to mind as one possibility. Or the Rising Finger of fate, fraud and full-on fighting?

I'm planning to do a final once the legal cases are settled. I want to include a graphic of Quackbeth Hueymackt, but at the moment he's having trouble fitting into his *samurai* keet armour.

WOT WE REALLY NEED IS A DRINKING GAME, based on various tipples, chugs and drainings during Gloranthan conversations. It needs some additional bits from the bingo: everytime some mentions this, do this. etc.

Me, I'm off to offer food and skin lotion to the being in the basement...


At 08:49 PM 2/05/2007, you wrote:
>Dear Bingo card
>I'd like to distribute these at Tentacles for some of the seminars.
>Can you please add an ImmoderateGloranthaQuest rune please. I'm sure
>there are fertile imaginations out there...
>I'm also going to have a special ImmoderateGloranthaQuest round in
>the pub quiz:-)

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