Re: Re: In Defence Of A Goddess

From: samclau_at_3gKSg9sjyt3q8gWnoqAQNmgR7s2WnZEztAuOhyQyf4S92nKP7usHxNwnyA2v17HGRXHy
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:59:15 -0300

Nope. Still don't get it. It's just possible that it's dodgy communication via email rather than me being a mysoginist (awful lot of people calling eachother mysoginist around here). Did you consider that before going off on one?

Let me try to explain and you can see if I am still a dick-brain...

Jeff says that Vingan warriors may get pregnant unintentionally because they may not have great birth control.
I say Ernaldans have a feat called Aid Contraception or similar (it's the second time I said it here so I may have hurried in my typing) I conclude that Vingans may, if they belong to a clan with Ernaldans in it, have access to magical birth control. I opine that that birth control may be as reliable as the modern-day pill, giving Orlanthi women (including Vingans) a high degree of control over their reproduction.
I say that I therefore don't understand why people assume there is so little control over reproduction for Orlanthi women (or that they need to divert their sexuality into specifically non-reproductive forms, if anyone ever actually said that).
I say (albeit in very few words, but it is what I meant) that exceptions to this might be interesting for game purposes, perhaps (character X got pregnant even though she was trying not to). Alison queries what I said in a way I didn't understand. Or she comments on it somehow.
I querie her querie.
Someone goes off on one and reaches all sorts of conclusions 'cos he's having a bad day or something. (Let's assume that explanation, just to be generous, eh?)

> "I don't quite understand why birth control has to be so unreliable
> in some people's minds, except as the occasional interesting exception."
> and how it makes you appear to be an unthinking dick-brained man in
> the eyes of most of the female population.

Nope. I've reread that a number of times. It is, I admit, a bit garbled. I don't think I see how you draw your conclusion though.

> The only possible excuse for saying this is some kind of convoluted
> Star Trek plot involving you and a misogynist in a transporter accident.

Um. I think I'll stick to my 'excuse' thanks very much.

> "Oh my God, they've both merged into one being, we'd better call it a
> Samogynist".
> "Samogisist, tell us about your thoughts on the reliability of birth control"

How charming. Why not try Salmon?

> "I don't quite understand why birth control has to be so unreliable
> in some people's minds, except as the occasional interesting exception."
> "Fuck"

I've obviously touched a nerve. Oh well, there you go. Did you think I was referring to the Real World or something, rather than a game world in which games are played? I still don't get it.

> But then what do I know, I'm only a bloke.
> of course I could be wrong.

Could be.

> Now can you tossers get back to arguing about Vinga or do you have
> jobs that stop you doing that it?

I haven't been arguing about Vinga.

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