Re: Let's Talk Duck Fascism

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_lFR1qCghdpHe8GPLG9ecj_-a0thV8dfsWPEGaQOy_CIkelHdo5N8zCgfQ5FZ1>
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 02:37:46 -0000

> Being privy to the mysteries of the secret passages...

Excelle... actually that *snip* looks very strange.

> ... the under 10 football team to coach...

Don't forget to tell them to leave their foot in, and that shin-pads are for girls, Keith...

> Bravissimo!

Thanks, Mark -- sadly there are no feathered fascisti yet, but I have added some new links [please see next post]. I just finished doodling these sketches while waiting up for the Hatton-Mayweather fight.

My stance on ducks is a little confusing, as people seem to think that I like them a little more than I actually do, and that my contributions up to date have been a fair reflection on how I see them in 'my Glorantha'. Sadly, with one or two exceptions, that's not really the case [setting aside the fact that there is no single 'Stew's Glorantha' but a gaggle of parallel Gloranthas of varying make-up that are used and abused according to a variety of often quixotic impulses, moods, ends and reasons].

Given the pressures of research, I tend to write for mischief and enjoyment; it's usually light-hearted, and not meant to be taken that seriously. It's free, so as long as it skirts (just) this side of pornographic and defamatory, that's fine. If it's something for official publication I force myself to act more responsibly. If it's for fan-pubs and conbooks, it tends to fit somewhere inbetween. I obviously do this somewhat badly, as some folk can't tell the difference... oh well! :o)

Anyway, that preamble aside, I've been playing about lately with a more considered and less overtly farcical approach to ducks; which, if not entirely straight-faced (short-arsed anthropomorphic waddlers and warblers start with a seriousness deficit), is a little more balanced. Setting aside the issues of exactly how candidly one might explore the ducks of Dragon Pass (strange as this may sound, I'm hesitant about the publication of a ducks book), I thought I'd try a different tack. John and I have spoken about this in the past, but I think it'd be fair to say we both wimped out...



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