Re: What world-building lessons have you learned from Glorantha? [Part 1]

From: Tim <tim_at_fJd6Wx8YFtZWfGdfj5mje2SYC0AgUfb3zp_9mDCSGgJ6rIAi-lDeuDkKstSBIRe-jcWUBgw2>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 15:31:40 -0000

Lots of good (and true) stuff - waiting for part 2

> I wrote 10,000 words for--hang on, let me get this right---the book
> after the book after the book after Men of the Sea. Thankfully,
> Rick et al. are pushing a sensible publication model. 'Official'
> Glorantha has consolidated. There simply isn't the market, nor the
> resources, to serve Glorantha as some want.

Announcing lots of books looked good, but as so many times before, we are let down when they don't appear, or are continuously postponed. Some we will get through other chanels (Trotsky's western material) others may never appear

> Every race, every culture - they all needed their own Troll Pak.
> Duck Pak. Elf Pak. Dwarf Pak. Nasobeme Pak. We'd devolved into the
> paradigm of the microstudy.

In a way they do, but only to the extent that the "PAKS" provide a good gaming experience first, rather than an excuse for someone to show off their (pseudo)scholarship...

> It's time to stop taking Glorantha apart, and start putting it back > together. Recent supplements are a good start.


> Collections were discouraged; they would diminish the possibility
> of writing in greater depth elsewhere. "We can't let you
> incorporate X in Y; that would tread on the toes of the person
> who's writing Z." (Z, incidentally, would never see the light of
> day.)

This seems to me to be the antithesis of Gloranthan design! Yes, obviously if Z is actively being worked on then the writer(s) of Y and Z should collaborate on X, so that they don't present a mutually incompatible view, but otherwise if the writer of Y wants to use it they should, and if it doesnt fit in with the view of Z, then it's a chance for "the gloranthan community" to explain the apparent discrepancy. (If we can survive Greg changing his mind about things he's previously written or accepted about an area, I'm sure we can reconcile the views from 2 different areas...)  

> Recent Glorantha has been written by people whose predominant
> interest has lain in human cultures. Their efforts are
> considerable, often brilliant--and nobody else is writing bugger
> all, so we can't complain. But the trend is noticeable.

It's because we/they are all waiting for someone to write Duck Pak, Elf Pak, Dwarf Pak, Nasobeme Pak etc, so they know how to fit them in            

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