Re: What world-building lessons have you learned from Glorantha? [Part 1]

From: newtiswrong <mrnewt_at_Mt2VqXdKz1-1CUV7pKJp3K8Fs595mW1MKVdRxZ_QK1Arw2bmFAiSEHcwdgmri61fsHPB9>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 17:27:38 -0000

I love serveral of the MRQ releases like they were long lost children

Dara Happa Stirs and Jrustela book are particular favourites of mine, and will stay in my Gloranthan collection, even when I have my periodic purges. I loved it when there was a brand new release every month.

MRQ was a line that did well in my eyes because of the energy put in by the authors despite the many pubishing fubars commited by Mongoose.            

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