Re: Pathfinder

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 12:38:58 -0800 (PST)

Rules for safe exploration:
1) Have pathfinder operating
2) Have a Vingan (or Issarian with good combat) on your ring to lead the expedition
3) Have an Odaylan on your ring, so you can assign two magic to hunting, and do so
4) Have tracking active
5) Have sense chaos active
6) Leave during Sea Season, or at worst in Fire season
7) Travel slowly
8) Do whatever you can to suppress banditry
9) Be lucky

I'm not really sure that 3, 4 and 5 make a difference, but since adhering to these rules I've had incredibly low fatalities. Maybe I'm just working point 9 really well, I don't know! I realise, by the way, that 9 is hard to control, but in practice I interprate it as "When things seem to all be going bad, big expeditions may not be wise, and when your magic is low, stay close to home."

Oh, and someone else mentioned doing your exploration in small chunks, and I totally agree. I seldom go much more than a screen inch into unexplored territory at once. Hey, its a long game, you'll get there eventually, and its more likely you'll get home again if most of the trip is through known territory.

Oh, and when the gods tell me to go visit far off places early in the game, I send someone expendable--usually a spare hunter.


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