Re: all in one year (Or, Ernalda Hates Me, This I Know)

From: Edward Bornstein <button_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 06:36:37 -0500

Just before being attacked by Ralzakark, Martin Crim wrote:

>-several messages told me that I was short on carls, even though I'm not

My theory on this is that your top farmer is looking at momentary numbers, not baseline. I.E. you sent 30 footmen on a trading mission in dark season, and 30 more exploring ing Storm season, and so in late storm season you farmer complains because you don't have enough carls, being too dim to grasp the concept that just *maybe* he should remember that you don't *need* farmers in dark and storm seasons, and those 60 guys (or gals if you have fyrdwomen up) will be back before sea season.

It's days like this you begin to understand why Bad King Urgrain did what he did......

Just my theory....

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Twice is coincidence.
Three times is enemy action.
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