Re: Re: pigs; starvation

From: Jonathan Wight <JWight_at_...>
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 13:54:18 -0600

On 11/3/00 1:27 PM, "Bryan Thexton" <bethexton_at_...> wrote:

> With the population ratio that you have, you might
> want to try aggresively recruiting farmers. They will
> bring kids with them, but usually at around an even
> ratio, which will improve the ratio of food growers to
> eaters overall. Just make sure to recruit in late
> earth season, dark season, or early storm season, so
> the recruits will likely show up by planting time.
> (and then remember to clear more fields). Another 50
> or so farmers could make a big difference. As an
> emergency measure, especially if you have a good
> stockpile of goods, convert a bunch of your crafters
> back to farmers for a while. These two steps should
> have an immediate impact, giving time for other steps
> to take effect.

Well I seem to get far more children when I try to attract farmers (3:1 ratio) so that is obviously out unless I want to recruit just vagabonds.

My current solution is to use Fyrdwomen to try and reduce fertility and to capture as many thralls as possible. Up to 200 thralls now. I'd convert some of them to cottars if I could but every time I try that they just leave.

Thanks for all the advice - I think I have this one sort of under control.

Next question: There is a clan who has a magic item that I really want (Silvertongue) and they won't give it up no matter what I offer to pay for it. Have I just been really unlucky in my bargaining attempts or are these guys just never going to give up? (At the time I had all the Issaries bonuses I could get...)


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