Re: guidance on Heroquests

From: dharper_at_...
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 09:54:30 -0500 (EST)

Quoting Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>:

> Yet again> More spoilers ahead.

> PS: a note about various trade/exploration/diplomatic
> missions: some games just seem to be more afflicted
> with bandits than others do. So sometimes you can
> easily send out missions without much combat skill and
> not worry, other games you don't dare send out anyone
> with less than excellent combat accompanied by
> half-a-dozen weaponthanes. There is definately no
> all-around best strategy on this. There is also
> little that you can do about it. The Issaries quest
> is supposed to lower bandit activity for the next
> three years, but that is at best a short term sop.
> One of the few things I would like added to the game
> is something that let you take an active role in
> lowering bandit activity.

     While I was focusing on saving my people from starvation, one of those annoying-but-helpful reminders popped up. This one said something along the lines of "We have not sent any explorers out in a long time. Even if they were unable to find anything helpful, explorers at least keep bandits away from our tula." I suspect this means exploring your OWN tula keeps the bandits away (by finding their lairs and flushing them out).

     For that matter, forming a tribe with the clan with an intensive interest in trade is good, as they'll ask that the king make an oath to protect the tribe from banditry.


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