Re: dino eggs

From: kentcave <kentcave_at_...> <kentcave_at_...>
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 09:57:47 -0000

Aye, I did try my best to treat the magisaur as politely as possible. The dino holding beads right? Twice it has happened to me.

1st time my clan was friendly with dragons and I choosed to let him in the clan members' chamber, yet he/she was too big so has to be done in the market or so. I choosed Defense as honestly as possible, and after countless seasons of waiting, nothing comes of it till I became King of Dragon Pass.

2nd time it happens, my clan was enemy of dragons. I choosed to welcome him/her in the market and Justice was my choice. Same ole story, nothing came out of it till the Inhuman King blessed my marriage.

If not for the FireOpal save file, I would have never known the Earthshaker Plow Team and Battle Unit exist.

Can we ever beat the dragonnewt that come back to claim his corpse? I refused to return him the armor my King is wearing and we had a big fight. We always lose although he will leave in the end, threatening to come back in revenge. Yet he never did, I guess dragonnewts lies with their forked tounge too.

In this last game, I beat most of the clans surrounding Mount Quivin till they have to packed up and hang around upland marsh area. Must have been like 10 clans packed up in the not-so-tiny marsh. Its fun when you can keep raiding those marsh clans for pasture needs, but there is annoying bug keep popping about errors and the clans name will be shown as 33, 40, etc.

Sir Kent - King of Dragon Pass - a Kayodeepeean

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