KoDP on Vista

From: tom_mcvey.rm <tom_mcvey_at_...>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:18:54 -0000

Just a note that I've been enjoying KoDP on a Vista machine. Probably others have got it to run as well, but I haven't seen it posted.

Couldn't get it to install from the splash screen, but could run it from the CD. Well, that wasn't optimal, because I had version 1.0.

Made an .iso image of it using Roxio, but couldn't edit the disk image with Roxio to change it to the 1.7 patch.

Finally, copied the whole disk as a folder, put the patches in there, and it worked like a charm. Very stable, now I just have to stop doing the wimpy save-and-restore shuffle and take my heroquest and raid beatings like a man.

Impressive that a gmae developed three generations of Windows OS ago still runs. Kudos to Dave Dunham.

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