Other Clan Leader's Personalities.

From: The Dugans <alleghator_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:58:37 -0000

So, what characteristics are assigned to the clan leader of another clan?

So far, by looking at the "tell me about another chieftan screen" while calling in a favor from a clan, they have at least the following attributes:

Level of Piety
Level of Generosity
Level of Agressiveness
And I think a Level of Honesty.

I'm guessing these are on a 1 - 3 scale. 1 being positive, 2 being neutral, 3 being negative.

BUT when going to ask a clan to ally with you, there are SIX choices to choose amoung. Three of these six directly coorespond to the first three I've mentioned above. But honesty? No idea. And what about the others... "You need protection, we offer fighers" , "Join us, and we will be rich together".

So, do the other clan leaders have other characteristics?

What are the ways to discover about the other leaders personalities/levels? I know of three methods so far: get a hint when you trade with them, actually spend a action going and asking another chieftan and burn a favor, and get a hint when a new clan leader is installed. Are there any others?

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