Re: HeroQuesting Questions

From: The Dugans <alleghator_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:52:45 -0000

> Pay-off to risk factor, my favorite quests are:
> - Ernalda, almost any of the outcomes, but in some ways the most
> dramatic is 'make the cows healthier' Pull that one off early in the
> game a couple of times, and it can really snowball.
> - LM, give knowledge to the people. Somewhat variable in result, but
> sometimes you see quite a few skills bump up.
> - O&A, with a skilled but old quester, select strengthen our warriors,
> and on the first scene select "take whatever punishment...." so that
> your quester stoically takes the 99 blows meant for Orlanth. After the
> quest the leader's combat will have dropped dramatically, but your
> other leading fighters are probably all up one skill level.
> - The Challana Arroy 'peace bomb', especially if you can pull it off
> early on.
> The Issaries quest is also good if you have a couple of not so useful
> treasures that you'd like to exchange--especially if the farmers are
> not so happy, again.

You know, I don't try some of the other benifits since "make the cows healthy" doesn't sound all that great. I didn't know that O&A's strengthen your warriors increased the combat score of the rest of your leaders.

Describing the in game effects for each choice for each HQ would be a useful addition to the FAQ. Do you all know any more?

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