Re: finished the game

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 10:31:12 -0700 (PDT)

There is a random number factor in a most events, so sometimes you do fail, and have to either give up or go back to a save.  I suspect you can get to the point on kingdom making where there is essentially no chance to fail (max diplomacy sacred time magic and related blessings, having heroic bargaining and custom, having a lot of peace clans in your tribe, not having warred with those tribes, being on good terms with the clans of the other tribal kings, having recently done making the Storm Tribe quest, possibly recently having done the Uralda quest for the ability to change people's mind when they are stubborn, probably certain treasures.....)  But normally you will be susceptible to an unlucky roll.


      Yeah, made peace between the 2 kings, started a town, made peace betwee the wolfmen and the other guys and blamo!Played without convincing the 2 kings to make peace, for 15 years and than reloaded an earlier save and tge peace treaty was signed despite the fact that the first time nothing worked between them.


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